About us

Silver & Stål in Vingåker AB


Silver & Stål i Vingåker AB operates in two business areas, subcontracting of sheet metal products and qualified equipment for hospitals. The largest business area today is as a subcontractor to Nordic large-scale industry in advanced sheet metal processing of stainless steel and other materials. We have invested heavily in recent years and can now also offer laser cutting and large component manufacturing.


Silver & Stål started in Stockholm in 1933 with the manufacture and sale of household products such as serving dishes and carrots. Very early on, the company started manufacturing in stainless steel. At that time, famous designers were used in product development, such as Sigurd Persson.Today, the companies still use established designers in product development. Over the years we have received many awards and prizes, Venice Tribune, Gasellföretag 2003, Svenska Dagbladet’s Design Management, Svensk Form & Reklamförbund’s Guldäggstävling.

Business concept

Sheet metal working from prototype to series production with high quality and service. In-house developed products in the field of hospital technology, characterised by innovative solutions and good design.

Parent company


Manufactures and sells UV purification systems for commercial kitchens, industry and garbage rooms.


Manufactures and sells catering equipment such as cookers, heaters, stoves, stainless steel fittings, etc.


Subcontractor to large Swedish industry. Specialized in stainless steel processing on deep drawing, welding, grinding, polishing, etc.


A unified brand of high quality hospital products with a focus on internal hospital logistics.


A unified brand for kitchen ventilation with innovation as its watchword.




Manufactures and sells stainless steel hot tubs and terrace pools in flat-pack

Org nr: 556221-4469
VAT: SE556221446901
Bank: Sörmlands Sparbank / Swedbank
IBAN (SEK): SE93 8000 0825 7809 3019 1036
Bankgiro: 964-5425
Seat: Vingåker

Feel free to contact me and I will help you.

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